This isn’t an article about essential oils, but we’re going to start there to explain my point, so just hang with me for a sec here, ok? (I promise it will be relevant for your biz!)
When I first heard about essential oils, I was NOT having it. I thought the only people who would be into something like that were Birkenstock-wearing, green-juice-drinking, yoga-doing, goat farmers. And I was none of those things. After we were able to use oils to solve a major issue in our home that we hadn’t been able to address through any other medical or therapeutic method, I realized that actually oils were for anyone. I quickly learned, though, that most people felt the way I did initially – and couldn’t see themselves using the products.
When I started building my health and wellness business, I almost failed big time – like HUGE. I thought, if I’m going to sell this, I need to get into it! Cue the social media posts about juice fasts and dragging my children in their new lulus to Yoga. I was inauthentic, ineffective and I gave even myself the “ick.” Why? Because I thought there was only one way to build this business, and even though it didn’t fit for me and made other people think perhaps I’d lost my mind or been kidnapped – I kept going. Until one day I realized that I was making it harder to connect, rather than easier! I was fulfilling the idea that in order to use or build with oils, you had to fit into that mold. As soon as I started to talk about products with my own voice and share authentically, I connected with others easily and my business moved quickly ahead. Plus, I was helping others to see that there was a place for them. How do others see people in your company? Are you ready to open that up to make room for everyone?
It’s common for companies and leaders to try to help their new builders by giving them a one size fits all approach – “Here are the 10 steps to build your biz!” “Here are the three posts to make today!” “This is the way that we….”- But it’s time to realize that not everyone will have the same path to success. We can do better.
To help your new builders, start by identifying the things a person must be able to do in order to be successful – keep it broad. For me, it’s Educate (tell people about the products), Enroll (get them signed up as a customer or builder, order some product) and then Empower (Help them feel confident using what they have, and how to get more!). Once you’ve identified those things, it’s time to brainstorm all the different avenues that can help a person arrive at those goals. For example – educating about products could be social media posts, classes, workshops or parties, vendor events, zooms, one on one meetings… Enroll covers a few things – they need to understand the different ways to purchase and why someone might choose one over another, and they also need to know the technical pieces- how do I sign them up? How do I place an order? Empower can include a variety of options as well – including setting up meetings, sharing resources, connecting them to online groups or sending a welcome kit! What are the basic things a person must be able to do to be successful in your company? How many different ways can they get there?
Make sure that your builders know all the avenues you can think of, AND feel encouraged to find their own paths that you may not have even thought of yet!
Next up, ask your new builder “How do you learn best?” Offer important information in a variety of forms to meet their learning style. Otherwise, we run the risk of overwhelming them, or going too slow – equally distressful for a new builder. Here’s the kicker – we, as leaders, are programmed to want to make sure our new builders know EVERYTHING before they get started. We want them to be successful and not make the mistakes we did, so we tend to try to impart every particle of wisdom we can find. News flash: This is almost certain to overwhelm your new builder! Keep them from running for the hills by asking first! “Do you want me to tell you everything at once? Point you in the directions of resources? Or lead you through by giving you the first step and then move on together?” Giving them these options allows you to get to know the brain of your new builder which will help you forever!
Finally, let’s make sure you have a variety of resources so that you can share your building information in every way. Offer meetings, videos, ebooks, paper print outs, or even an iYuga Wheel! Most adults have been learning long enough to know what appeals to them! You will also want to ensure that you have opportunities to learn one on one or in a group setting! Whichever method they choose, make sure to check in. I like to pique their curiosity by saying “Make sure you tell me what you think when you get to page 3” or “After you watch the part about ___, let me know- I have a question for you!” Or “When you’re done with this step, let me know and we’ll get going on the next one!”
I KNOW you want to streamline! I know it would be so easy to create one system and then copy/paste it onto each new builder as they come in. And it IS a good idea to have a system and a plan. We just also need to be flexible enough to allow our new builders to find their own way – they’ll be much more successful, happier, and more likely to continue building!
Hi! I’m a wellness advocate and business coach from Aberdeen, South Dakota. I combine my direct sales business with business coaching and tool development to support other business owners.
My passion for empowering people and background in adult education and party planning inspires me to help entrepreneurs like you reach your target market, educate your customers, use social media to your advantage, and find their own way of running your business.
I do all of this while managing anxious feelings, brain fog, lack of motivation, feelings of self-doubt, and stress – and I’m ready to help you do it too! Connect with me through email: [email protected] or on my website (.co not .com!)